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Second and Third Grade Classes

Writer: Mike MartinMike Martin

Updated: Feb 14


In second and third grade classes, students use to learn more sophisticated activities and work through a greatere variety of puzzles. Students will learn the basics of programming, collaboration techniques, investigation and critical thinking skills, persistence in the face if difficulty, and internet safety. At the end of the course, students create games in the Play Lab programming environment.


Using, second and third grade students learn that the information they share online leaves a digital footprint or "trail." Depending on how they manage it, this trail can be big or small, and harmful or helpful. Students compare different trails and think critically about what kind of information they want to leave behind.

These classes also use to engage in skill-building lessons. Utilizing block coding and the Angry Birds game, these lessons teach students to develop squential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side.


CSK8.G3.4.3 Students identify digital footprints (e.g., game profiles, share on social media and other online accounts) and the responsiblities and opportunities of living, learning, and working in a digitally connected world.

SK8.G3.5 Create, evaluate, and modify algorithms.

CSK8.G3.5.1 Create and follow algorithms to accomplish a task or solve a problem.

CSK8.G3.5.2 Design and test algorithms collaboratively using technology.

CSK8.G3.5.3 Compare and refine algorithms that include sequences and loops.

CSK8.G3.5.4 Identify and correct multiple errors within an algorithm that accomplishes a level-appropriate task or solves a level-appropriate problem.


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